Web Editing

Category: STANDARD

Module Purpose:

This module provides candidates with the opportunity to understand the concepts behind this module online publishing and the basic skills needed to design, create and maintain a static website without having to worry about it in training for a vocational program. Candidates learn a variety HTML web design skills in Cascading (CSS) sheets.


ECDL / ICDL web modification proves that the candidate will be able to;

  • Understand key terms and concepts of the web.
  • Understand the basic principles of HTML and use common HTML mark-up tags to edit the look of a web page.
  • Use an authorized web application for designing and measuring web pages, text formatting, and work with hyperlinks and tables.
  • Recognize and use common web image formats and create shapes on a web page.
  • Understand and use cascading (CSS) sheets.
  • Prepare a web page for publication on a web server.
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